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Magnet swap for a P90 pickup in an Epiphone Les Paul jr. Polished vs Rough cast. Any difference?
How to magnet swap a P90
P90 magnet swap 10w 4x12
pickup magnet swap
Do pickup magnets make a difference?
changing magnets in a p90 PART 1
Update: Lollar p90 Magnet Swap (A2/A5) / Novo Reveal - Next week!
Changing The Tone Of A P90 Guitar Pickup
Do Humbucker Magnets Make A Difference
Lollar 50s Wind vs Standard P90 - Magnet/Coil Swap #1 (Alnico 2 instead of A5 in the Std Coil)
Magnet Swap: Stock Alnico V vs Throbak Alnico II
Epiphone Les Paul junior with P90 (Evil Sheep), from wreck to a great playing and sounding guitar.